Our upcoming dialogue (not the two published this week) will be the last Charlie and Tina dialogue of the year…
:( we’ve had such a great year in dialogues. we have such a great website this year. Thank you for everything you do to support Charlie and Tina dialogues.
we love you!! 

on a more cheerful note, listen up writing club members!!! I had the most awesome idea! wouldn’t it be soo cool if at the last seventh grade writing club meeting, we made a video and asked people questions about why they like writing club, why they joined, etc. don’t worry, i’ll 
come up with the questions. 
this is for seventh grade ONLY! I want this to be special!! 
if anyone has an old but still functioning videocamera i could use, that would be great! let me know! i THINK i have some blank cds but i’m not sure….
we need to work together to make this idea work! if you really think this is a great idea and want to contribute, please tell me!!